Monday, November 20, 2006


Hello, A lot has happen over the weekend. I ate pretty good. I even went shopping on Sunday and I could get back into size 12 jeans. Actually the ones I tried on were to big and the size 10 were to small. So Yeah baby! can't wait till I am back into my size 10's!!!

Coffee w/ ff cream
Sm Orange
Sm salad
Sm spagetii
1/4 cup of fluffy stuff.
Diet coke
Pork Rib 2
1/2 cup of Stuffing
Snack stick 90 Cal
Hot Chocolate

Doing great.
Walked 1.65 miles
at 6:00 tonight I will be doing belly dancing.

I have been so busy today. Just getting ready for Thanksgiving. We are leaving for KC on Wednesday Morning!

I feel good! I just want to jump for joy and keep on going.
Well got get a move on..

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